Ratio Christi training can help your student beat the odds.

Ratio Christi means "The Reason of Christ". Our mission is to equip high school students with the historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ, and train them to be conversational evangelists with logic and evidence. Meetings are open to local teens ages 13-19, and we welcome Christians, skeptics, atheists, and young people of all faiths/beliefs. 




Discussions will focus on relevant cultural issues that are often seen as obstacles against the Christian faith. Young people of all beliefs are invited to join the discussions.


WHEN: Sunday nights 6PM

WHERE: South Quay Baptist Church

WHAT: Free dinner, games, & discussion

WHO: All local teens 13-19

LEADERS & GUEST speakers

Meetings are led by Ratio Christi Director, Amy Warren & Pastor Mark Warren. Occasionally, Christian scholars, authors, leaders, and former Ratio Christi College Prep students will be invited to lead discussion nights.