The Colson Fellows at South Quay Baptist Church
Most of our Bible study throughout our Christian lives focuses on understanding God and learning how to live in right relationship to Him, ourselves and each other - and this is certainly vital to our spiritual growth. However, the Bible also teaches us how to live in right relationship to every aspect of God's creation, which inlcudes society, culture, art, economics, education and polities. Furthermore, the Bible helps us understand how to properly order (and re-order) the fallen world as we join Christ in his work of restoring all things. This is where a "Christian worldview" proves vital.
Ours is a world where the “powers and principalities” are actively working to dis-order God’s good creation in areas such as marriage, family, human sexuality, and personhood. As disciples of Christ, we cannot truly love our neighbors and remain indifferent to ideas and actions that do harm to people and God’s creation. The fact is, "ideas have consequences and bad ideas have victims". Because we care about the victims of “bad ideas,” we are pleased to partner with the Colson Center for Christian Worldview in bringing the Colson Fellows Program to South Quay Baptist Church.
The Colson Fellows Program is a transformational course that compresses a lifetime of Christian wisdom into ten months. This program will establish a solid foundation for those who are new to the study of Christian worldview, and for those who are well-versed in worldview and apologetics; you will gain new insights into today’s rapidly changing culture. Colson Fellows-in-Training go beyond understanding worldview as mere arguments and facts, and develop instead, the critical thinking skills or wisdom to discern what is or is not true, good, and beautiful in every issue that assails us today so they can understand the times and engage others thoughtfully and with grace.